EricN Publications is a website for Eric Niewoehner. For someone who is as asynchronous as I am, I am all over the map on social media. In summary, I spent most of my life in the IT world, but have a Masters degree in Agriculture Economics and spent a few years trading grain.
But my love? Writing. Hope you enjoy what I post here and beyond. In a perfect world, I would focus almost exclusively on history and historical fiction, but the issues of the day plus my ongoing attachment to a 39 year career in IT compel me to write articles on those subjects every now and then.
Thanks for your interest.
Cookies Policy
At this juncture, the website has rather modest objectives, but the primary objective is to provide the reader with a meaningful experience without distractions, and to guard as much as possible the reader’s privacy. The best way to do that is to take great care on features added to the website and to practice full disclosure. Cookies are currently utilized to navigate the website and to provide site analytics.
If you have any thoughts on this matter, feel free to send a note through Contact Me.
Beginning in March 2022, Google advertising was integrated onto the site. This is under continual evaluation, but it appears at this juncture that the ads being presented are consistent with the content being viewed.
Efforts have been made to eliminate what can be termed “misdirection ads”, with buttons such as “Continue” or “Next” or “Print PDF”. This has made navigating web pages rather frustrating, if not dangerous. This has been addressed with Google and encourage you all to do the same by registering any complaints you have. These misdirection ads are especially confusing on Smartphones.
If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to send a note.
Most of my portrait shots are courtesy of Bart Larson, creator of Grace Reflections.
Comments Policy
Consider yourself fortunate that you have not had to read the thousands of comments that transect this website. Most of these are cached into a holding bin for further review. A considerable amount of time is taken to review these comments. Because of that, Comments have been rotated to Substack. Substack is far better equipped to filter out bot-driven comments laden with links intended for fraud. Some of the older articles posted on this website may still provide Comment features, but the long-term intention is to disable Comments on all articles posted on the EricN Publications website.
Comments on Substack is only available to subscribers. Subscribing costs nothing.