A photojournalist wins Picture of the Year award of the October 7th massacre. Is he a terrorist? An artist? Or both?
Category: Thinking Out Loud
A series of articles reflecting on current issues.
Privilege and the Politics of Envy
It is said that the worst kind of politics is that of envy. Envy destroys the joy of life, because instead of you living your own life, you are always endeavoring to seize the life of another.
Anatomy of a Fraudulent Health Care Claim
False claims are a constant problem for health insurance providers, whether private or government. That a fraudulent health care claim happens is no surprise. But the process by which it happens will provide you with some insights by which you can protect yourself and advance the cause of everyone else.
Stranger than Fiction — The Case of Mary Fulp
On January 18, 2023, Alaska’s Principal of the Year, Mary Fulp, was forcefully removed from her home, admitted to Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, subjected to psychiatric testing, tied to a gurney, and injected with psychotropic medication1. The chain of events that unfolded could provide the basic ingredients of a sci-fi horror tale. In the world of non-fiction, it was a personal nightmare for Mary Fulp. It also opened up a constitutional hornets nest.
Social Security – When Will America Face Reality?
No issue faces more political posturing than social security. The Democrats incessantly accuse Republicans of wanting to end, or destroy social security. “They are after your retirement.” Republicans insist that no one is going to destroy your retirement security. But they offer solutions with fear and trepidation because each time they make the attempt, they are destroyed in the media and the results often show up in elections.