As a Facebook user, probably the most frequent scam I encounter are impersonated accounts.
Author: Eric Niewoehner
The most important element of individualism is that of the empowered individual. An individualist is fully convinced that there is no such thing as a neutral, unbiased implementation of government power. The more power a government is granted, the fewer liberties are provided to the individual. The only thing that stands between tyranny and liberty is the empowered individual.
A Play on Words
The question that one must ask is not what is offensive, but what will happen when the inevitable sin is committed
Spam Update — How to Avoid Spam
In a previous posting, one of the key things I suggested was to set up multiple e-mail accounts and delegate their use based on risk. Did it work?
Facebook — A Sickening Feeling
The news of government collusion with Facebook is not surprising, but still disappointing. What is your response?