Social media is flooded with fake accounts. One way of solving that riddle is to introduce a scale, or a score, that will verify that the account is a real person or busin
Category: Technology
This section focuses on technology. The writer had a long career in IT. Here you will find articles on security, social media, documentation and how technology has affected our lives.
The Trials of Alaska Communications (ACS)
For most of my IT career I worked in some aspect of security. I have seen some pretty strange stuff but ranking near the top is the way ACS handles the customer’s password.
Big Tech Cancellation: The Case of the Racist Doorbell
What do you do when Big Tech cuts off your access to security and communication services?
Facebook and Death
I recently posted invites to a garage sale. I created an event in Facebook which eventually presented an opportunity to designate who will receive the invite. Amongst the list of friends I counted seven that I knew had been deceased.
Facebook and The Forensics of Phantom Buyers
In April this year I wrote an article on what I call “phantom buyers”, these pretend accounts on Facebook that exploit security vulnerabilities in Facebook’s Marketplace. I have been heavily engaged in Facebook’s Marketplace for the past few months because we are preparing to move back to Missouri. So I have been quite intrigued by the frequent encounters with “phantom buyer