The short answer – it is important for people to be informed about economics. The longer answer – economics is a part of life, whether we acknowledge it or not. Wouldn’t our lives be better if we understood economics? Would we make better career choices? Would we make better decisions on what we purchase? Would…
Tag: education
Stranger than Fiction — The Case of Mary Fulp
On January 18, 2023, Alaska’s Principal of the Year, Mary Fulp, was forcefully removed from her home, admitted to Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, subjected to psychiatric testing, tied to a gurney, and injected with psychotropic medication1. The chain of events that unfolded could provide the basic ingredients of a sci-fi horror tale. In the world of non-fiction, it was a personal nightmare for Mary Fulp. It also opened up a constitutional hornets nest.
Student Debt: Are Colleges to Blame?
A deeper look at how colleges have escalated the cost of education, making it difficult for students to avoid debt.
The Case of Josh Renaud
Accused of hacking a website of the State of Missouri, a journalist and his newspaper are being charged for criminal activity.
Broken: Is Public Education Beyond Repair?
Is Public Education Beyond Repair?
The controversy over critical race theory has peeled away several layers of our society that, like an onion, can only bring tears.