Ever wonder what happens to your information when a website goes out of business? Our personal information is an asset, and assets sell. Such is the case of Parler.
Tag: Parler
What’s Up with Parler
Will Parler survive? Parler is part of the monopolistic fringe, small companies that eat away at the edges of empire.
Can GoDaddy Be Trusted?
As business owners and managers or IT consultants, you have to seriously evaluate the nature of content being communicated over the Internet. If there is any possibility of risk of censorship, the effects could be catastrophic
Disaster Recovery — The Case of Parler
The day has now arrived where you will need to have alternative cloud and DNS registry platforms, as well as other redundancies.
Why Parler?
Elements of the Internet have obviously evolved to the status of “common carrier”. What was done to Parler violates, fundamentally, the principle of free speech. But it also demonstrates the monopolistic power of what is coined as Big Tech: Apple, Google, Amazon and an array of powerful Internet companies that can erase your existence on the Interne