Social media is flooded with fake accounts. One way of solving that riddle is to introduce a scale, or a score, that will verify that the account is a real person or busin
Tag: Twitter
Robert F Kennedy, Jr. Presidential Campaign Banned from Instagram?
Social media platforms better take care when it comes to politics. “Community Standards” can just become another name for “Censorship,” but when it comes to interfering with the political process it is purely a power play, an attempt to control what and who the public can see. Even Robert F. Kennedy is not excluded.
The Gift of Gab
What is Gab? It is a competitor to Twitter, yet twice deplatformed from the Internet. Is this justice or simply pure monopoly power pushing out the competition
What’s Up with Parler
Will Parler survive? Parler is part of the monopolistic fringe, small companies that eat away at the edges of empire.
Disaster Recovery — The Case of Parler
The day has now arrived where you will need to have alternative cloud and DNS registry platforms, as well as other redundancies.