A God Thing
Meditations from the prairie.

The Alaskan Chronicles
Stories from twenty years of residence in Southeast Alaska.

Lessons Learned
A series of articles on what an old guy learned along the way.

Stories of a small country church in Missouri.

Old Friends
A series of essays on writers who have had the most affect on me.

Thinking Out Loud
A collection of essays, aka opinion pieces, aka op-eds, aka blogs.

The Pandemic Journal
A new section devoted to this phenomenal experience we all share. First introduced May 25, 2020.

The Advent Conspiracy
A series of essays first published in 2014, I share my journey of recapturing Christmas. First Introduced November 16, 2016

Econ 101 — Basic Economics
Some lessons on economics.
Other Stories

Garden of the Gods
March 24, 2023
Truly a place of wonder, the Garden of the Gods is a place that displays the power and mystery of Creation.

July 26, 2022
My encounter with the Peach Nehi Float in the middle of nowhere.
When Few Were Watching

August 10, 2021
A short piece of history that reminds us that the basis of the American Revolution was a defense of liberty.