We live in interesting times. So I have begun compiling some thoughts about our experiences, what our community, our country and our world is experiencing.
My first musings were derived from my journal to the grocery store. I did not know whether to laugh or cry, but in the end I could not help but laugh at the display of human nature. Hope you enjoy the Grocery Store Chronicles.
Next comes a series of articles reflecting on the pandemic and its affects on our lives.
- When Does Ten Percent Matter?To beat them into conformity, mandates have been applied. Their access to hospitals and restaurants and the border between Canada and the US have been blocked. Proposals have been afoot keeping them from traveling, the infamous “vaccine passpor
- Federalism — Or Intentional ChaosIf it wasn’t for federalism, we would never have learned that lockdowns do not work, that children need to see our faces, that people need to worship, that fans need to cheer at the stadium, that people need to work.
- Faith (Part II)Will Christianity survive the pandemic? A follow up report on how church communities have fared during the pandemic.
- FaithFaith is “the confidence of things unseen, the assurance of all things hoped for.” Ironic that faith is tested, strengthened when it encounters the unknowable or uncontrollable.
- The Big SurpriseParents, able to stay at home, will push for home schooling alternatives as well as more flexibility with the learning environme
- TeleworkingWhite collar work will be revolutionized after the pandemic. It is one revolt I am looking forward to.
- The Invisible HandAnd so it is today we have the ugly head of monopolistic power being raised and the cry for anti-trust lawsuits to be levied against Amazon, Google, Facebook and Twitter. Is it really necessary?
- UnbelievableHow we stand on COVID-19 depends on what we believe to be true.
- Rethinking EducationOne year ago it would be inconceivable that two opposite sides of the education policy debate would find themselves in the same boat, but that is where we are heading this Fall. It would have been unthinkable in 2019 that our school children would be receiving their education at home and not in our schools….
- PerceptionIt is time that we recognize that socializing has utility – as important as flying.
- Selfie and the MaskI could spend pages on tangents, addressing our personal liberties, our right to assembly, the reluctance to be guided by experts, and the doubts we possess of this vastly complex phenomena. But before debating these topics, we must sit at the same table – and regard each other’s welfare.
- ChinaThe outbreak of COVID-19 has not left the emperor naked. He has always been on display. What has happened is that we are no longer self-deluded
- Strategic GlobalismOne of the key changes to our post-pandemic world will be the reshaping of global trade and the advancement of strategic globalism.
- RiskWhen it comes to health, risk is a global algorithm.
- MediaWhile news services in the U.S. are tied to cable TV, the rest of the world is changing to Internet news services.
- Home SchoolingThe emergence of home schooling amidst the pandemic. A rather ironic turn of events.
- UnknowableUncertainty over the unknowable. How to determine exactly what is COVID-19 and how to move forward.
- Grocery ChroniclesA compilation of observations revolving around the grocery store. What happens at the grocery store reflects a lot of what we are as a community and as human beings.